Saturday 30 April 2016


W ubieglym tygodniu mielismy ciezkich kilka chwil. Alice budzila sie kilka razy w nocy. Pelnia ksiezyca...
Alice byla wyzwaniem. Doprowadzila mnie do wyjscia z pokoju kilka razy.
Postanowilam wprowadzic nowe zasady – za dobre zachowanie dostanie punkty a za zle  punkty zostana odebrane. Za uzbieranie odpowiedniej liczby punktow czekaja ja nagrody. Pierwszy tydzien przeszedl calkiem ok. Mielismy drobne porazki ale trzeba przyznac ze calkiem niezle nam szlo. Awantury przy obiedzie byly ograniczone prawie do zera, sprzatala zabawki i bez wiekszych problemow kladla sie spac.  ‘Grozba’ zabrania punktow dziala genialnie.
Mam nadzieje ze dalej pojdzie jeszcze lepiej.

During last week we had challenging moments. Alice woke up several times at night. Full moon...
Alice was very difficult. I actually had to leave the room several times because I just wasn’t able to deal with her.
I decided to introduce the new rules - for good behaviour she will get points and the bad points will be deducted. If she will gather certain amount of points she will get a reward. The first week passed ok. We had minor issues but I have to admit that it went quite well. The small disagreements at dinner time were limited to almost zero, she tided her toys and without major problems she went to bed. 'Threat' of taking points works brilliantly.

I hope the next will go even better.

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