Saturday 23 April 2016

Czas na powrot / Time to come back

Od paru tygodnie zbieralam sie zeby znow zaczac pisac na blogu.  

Ostatnie poltora roku bylo bardzo intensywne. Przerobilismy pekniete rury, zalany dom dwa razy, uszkodzony dach,  moj wypadek samochodowy, i co najgorsze Bonnie (jeden z naszych kotow) zachorowala powaznie i musielismy ja uspic. Powoli zycie sie uspokaja. Alice ma cudowna opiekunke, swietnie sie rozwija.  Zyjemy intensywnie, pomiedzy praca, domem i opieka nad Alice nie pozostaje wiele czasu na nic.

W ciagu ostatniego roku stalam sie prawie ze expertem w planowaniu posilkow i przygotowywaniu posilkow do zamrazalki. Dni mijaja szybko i bez planu jedlibysmy zupki chinskie czesto ;-)

Postanowilam zapisywac moje plany i dzielic sie przepisami, moze sie komus przydadza.


For a last few weeks I have been thinking about blogging again.

The last 18th months were very intense. We have had the ruptured pipes, the house has been flooded twice, roof has been damaged, I have had a car accident, and worst of all, Bonnie (one of our cats) got seriously sick and we had to help her pass away. Recently life has slowed down finally. Alice has a wonderful childminder, she is great. We live intensely; between work, home and taking care of Alice does not leave much time for anything else

Over the last year, I have become almost an expert in meals planning and preparing meals for the freezer. Days go by quickly and without a plan we would eat instant noodles often ;-)

I have decided to write down my plans and share them, someone may find them useful.

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